Monday #6: A Bird & A Book

Today’s post is part of a celebration for my friend, Carla. It is also a chance for you to WIN her new book, Imaginary Animals, just by posting a reply to today’s blog. Carla is giving away a signed copy to one of you. Just leave a comment below and I will pick a winner randomly on October 4. International entries welcome.

This is Carla Sonheim. She is an awesome artist, a kind, generous and fascinating person, a creative spirit, the author of the acclaimed book, Drawing Lab and, best of all, a friend of mine! I first introduced you to her back in January of 2011, which was before I’d actually met her and was just a student in her celebrated online class, The Art of Silliness. Because of her class, I started drawing again for the first time since I was a child. Because of her class, I started thinking about how drawing and art doesn’t always have to be this serious thing. Because of her class, the Cranky Birds were born!

So, then I asked her to come to our first Teaching Out Of The Box summer institute and she did! She even stayed at my house; it was terrific. She taught everyone how to be silly and spontaneous with their art, she played along with all the other presenters, we stayed up late talking about all kinds of stuff, we had dinner at Marhaba’s, one of my favorite restaurants in Lambertville, my kids loved her, my dogs loved her. I really, really wish she lived closer to me but she lives in Seattle, WA and I live in Flemington, NJ. It’s far. Boo.

But, another cool thing happened. She was working on a new book. (THIS BOOK RIGHT HERE!! Imaginary Animals!) And guess what? She asked me if the Cranky Birds could be in it! You know what I said? I said, hell yes!

And, the book is ready! Look at this picture… there’s a cranky bird, right there on the page! You can get it right this second! And, you know what? YOU SHOULD!

And, then, as if all of this wasn’t enough, Carla asked me if I would be a part of her book release celebration. It’s a two week blog hop with a whole bunch of us joining in on the party.  I know you know what I said. I said, hell yes! Go to Carla’s Snowball Journal Blog to find out more, get new animal-related art tutorials, art giveaways, assignments and more chances to win this book!

The coolest part of this is I got to do a cranky bird just for today’s post. You could make your own cranky bird, you know. Here’s how you do it:

1. Make a crazy “blob” on a piece of paper (preferably watercolor paper) with watery watercolors. Fewer colors are better, one or two at the most. Don’t think about it turning into anything, especially a bird. Even better, have someone else make you a crazy blob. Carla made this one for me. She emailed it to me and I printed it out. (You could even make a blob with markers, crayons or pencils if you wanted to. Get blobby. And see what you can come up with!)

2. Look at the blob. Turn it all around, every which way. See if you can find the animal hiding in there somewhere. It’s there, trust me. Lots of times, I look for the eye first. Now, use a pencil and just loosely and sloppily, create the outlines of the creature.

3. With a thin black marker (I like a Sharpie) go over your pencil lines (but leave them, don’t erase them because they will be great mixed in with it all). Hold the pen in a loose way and let your lines be shaky and weird. Go over them more than once so they look sloppy and wiggly.

4. Use other media–markers, colored pencils, more paint, whatever!– to fill in spots, create patterns and textures, and create more color interest. I’m using Prismacolor markers and just making random marks. Don’t worry if you don’t like it yet. It is just getting started and the truth is that you really cannot make a mistake. It’s impossible. This is foolproof drawing, I tell you.

5. Add more lines and patterns with your black pen, with markers, with pencils, with anything. Start thinking about the personality of your creature and add lines and shapes that go with it. My bird is skeptical. And, of course, cranky.

(Cross-hatching an dots are things I love to add, too!)

(A white gel pen, white ink or a correction pen adds sparkle!)

6. Importantly, your cranky critter has to have something cranky to say. So, do that.

So, there you are. A bird and a book. Wanna win a copy? Sure you do. It’s free and who doesn’t want something free? Leave a reply and maybe you will. Chances are that you probably actually won’t. I only have one copy to give away. But maybe it will be your super deluxe lucky day. Let’s just face it, though. probably not. Except for that one person, of course They will win. Just that one and no more. Because there is only one book to win. But you can always hope it’s you, I guess. Don’t count on it though. Or maybe do…. maybe you’re just the luckiest frickin’ person to read this blog today.

In case you were wondering, I traded Carla’s blob for a blob. She agreed to try her skills at a bird and here’s her Cranky Bird from the blob I gave to her. I think that she has truly captured the spirit of Cranky Birds and done it perfectly. But, you know, really, who cares? I don’t.


And, if you wish to purchase a copy of the book, go to these places:

TRY THIS WEEK: Try a bird! Really! Try one! And, if you email it to me at, I’ll post it over at Cranky Birds. I swear! (Seriously, do you know how hard it is to come up with this stuff all the time? SEND ME A BIRD!!)

About Dar Hosta James

I am an artist living in New Jersey. I write and illustrate children's books, paint, draw, blog, coach, teach and speak about creativity.
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156 Responses to Monday #6: A Bird & A Book

  1. Judy Shreve says:

    I have ‘Drawing Lab’ and just love it. I also took an online photo workshop with her husband. Such talent. I would love love love a signed copy of her new book. I’m off to make a blob animal!

  2. Tricia Patterson says:

    I am pretty cranky this morning, so I will try my hand at a bird! That means I should win the book, right?

  3. janzart says:

    Hi Dar. I love the bird. I am on my way to work, but I am planning on doing one asap.
    I hope to win a book too!

  4. Meg Fowler says:

    OK … somebody’s gotta have hope, so I’m off to make a blob. I was in “Silliness” with you. Maybe some of your genius rubbed off on me! Hope ……

  5. Peggy Doyle says:

    Thanks to the 6th grade writing workshop that turned me on to 52 Mondays. Thanks to 52 Mondays for turning me on to The Art of Silliness! Lots of drawing and painting back in my life! Hopefully I will be able to say, “Thanks Dar and Carla for the cool book Imaginary Animals!”

  6. kim says:

    🙂 Great post! Now I really want to try to make a blob bird! 🙂

  7. Gina says:

    Love your cranky birds – maybe i can find birds or maybe cranky elephants or cats in a blob – who cares? I don’t ever win – but this might be my day!!!!

  8. carrollwc says:

    I have seen your Cranky Birds before because of Carla and I love them. I would really love to win her book 🙂 And, I love making blob animals, too!

  9. Emma says:

    Let’s be positive about this-I just haven’t won anything YET. Love your blog and Carla’s wonderfully fun approach to art. Can I keep my fingers crossed for three days? Maybe.

  10. Beverley says:

    Yes I would love to win Carla’s Imaginary Animals.
    I am the luckiest frickin’ person to read this blog today Pftt

  11. Chesney Szaniszlo says:

    How great! I want to try this with my son. I would love to see us try to draw things that are imaginary and don’t have to be perfect reproductions of reality!

  12. carol says:

    Great blog, so happy to have found it and would love to win Carl’s book too.

  13. Eleni Kastrinogianni says:

    I love your Cranky Birds!They’ve put a big smile on my face!!! I’ll definitely give it a try especially since I’m on my cranky days as well! Thanks for the chance to win Carla’s book!

  14. Tina W. says:

    This post made me laugh out loud – thanks for a great start to a Monday! I would love a copy of Carla’s book.

  15. Can’t wait to try making my own cranky bird!

  16. aliensunset says:

    eeee! omg, I think I love cranky birds!
    so cute, yet so cranky. totally like me!

  17. Erin says:

    These are too darn cute to be cranky! Love them and the book too is a winner. Thank you for this opportunity.

  18. Jacquie says:

    Maybe it will be my super deluxe lucky day. But probably not……….(Love this post!)

  19. SQUAK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need the book and I need it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s pouring down rain and I have to stay inside! GIVE ME THE BOOK! SQUAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Karen says:

    Even if I didn’t win the book, I have already won – I found your blog. I’m completely in love with the cranky birds! Suits my current mood exactly. 😉 I will be back!!!

  21. JoAnn May says:

    Love, love, love your cranky birds! I’m definately going to make one! You and Carla are so very talented!

  22. I’m working on Carla’s Drawing Lab book over at my blog. I love the exercises! Your birds are awesome.

  23. denthe says:

    oh, these are so much fun! Have to go and try it myself! And winning that book would be awesome. Who cares, right? well, I do … ☺

  24. Kim says:

    You mentioned EXACTLY why I love Carla – she reminds us to play and be silly! I need to be reminded of that fact every day. I would love to win the book so it can be my daily reminder that life doesn’t need to be so serious. Thank you both!

  25. siren says:

    ahhhhhh! I’m in the middle of something else and now all i want to do is attempt a cranky bird!!!! THIS MAKES ME CRANKY! but not really. more excited. and excited because maybe it will be my lucky day and I’ll win the book. And get to draw some birds!

  26. Pam Swallow says:

    Having Swallow as my last name, I really must create some cranky birds — don’t be surprised if they all end up with long forked tails though!

  27. Susan Walls says:

    Love Carla and would love her new book. And your birds are fabulous! You’ve inspired me to try it.

  28. Andrea Hawkes says:

    I love your cranky birds – actually it is probably because I am a cranky bird – and proud of it.

  29. Becki says:

    LOL! Whatever. 😉

  30. What a great Cranky Bird Tutorial! I am getting really cranky now : “AND DO I CARE? DUH!
    I hope that that someone who’s getting the book, will be …ME!

    Great to see another artist’s blog, another person who likes to make fun drawings! Keep at it. Keep cranky.
    Corinne Bekker

  31. What a cool exercise. I love the way your bird turned out.

  32. J. T. Wherry says:

    YES!! Would love a copy of Carla’s new book!! So nice to be greeted first thing Monday morning by a ‘Cranky Bird’:)

  33. Lynn Yuhr says:

    I feel like I won already! Your cranky birds are excellent and have brightened my day!! I am a new fan.

  34. Lise Kwan says:

    Carla got me drawing again too! I took art classes in university – even at Emily Carr in Vancouver – but it wasnt until I worked through her Drawing Labs that I became an artist! I did her summer online courses this year and have since created 4 junk mail books!!! I’ve done drawing labs with our class (I work at a high school) and now that I’ve found you I’m heading immediately into my ‘studio’ to create Cranky Birds! I’d love to have her Imaginary Creatures books signed – Carla is my hero! Pick me pick me!!!!

  35. Melva Bates says:

    I’ve tried Carla’s elephant. Now I’m going to tootle off and try a cranky bird. This will suit me because my husband calls me a cranky old bird sometimes (in a loving kinda way).

  36. Sherri Fults says:

    Wow! I just discovered your blog from Carla’s. Your previous post on block scheduling was very interesting as our school is just moving away from “blocks” this school year. So I have subscribed to your blog. I love your cranky birds, and can’t wait to get home from school to start drawing! My inner critic needs some major soothing and seriously needs Carla’s new book!

  37. Nena says:

    Love the birds but really appreciate the picture tutorial. Nice!

  38. Corinne Loomer says:

    You are awesome! I love these birds! Can’t wait to play with this tutorial but like someone else commented I have to do other things to do today and Yes! It makes me Cranky!

  39. Paige says:

    Oooh – new animals to try! Love the crankiness of your birds (-: Here’s to having fun and being silly ((-:

  40. Lisa Firke says:

    Wonderful post about one of our favorite people! Don’t put my name in the contest (I have my copy) but just had to say I LOVE that we are on the same page in the book. (Mine’s the Snail Dog in the lower left corner next to your Cranky Bird…) See you tomorrow on my blog as the celebration continues…

  41. Kathy says:

    The cranky birds are soooo funny! Made me giggle on a monday morning 🙂

  42. DebDeb says:

    this totally made me excited to try my own cranky bird!! 🙂

  43. BeeSroe(Becky) says:

    I just had DH pick up a copy of Carla’s Drawing Lab book last night from B&N, it’s a great book! I’d love the chance to win her new book, even though the chance’s are almost nil, but I don’t care in the least because this gives me a reason to tell you that your Cranky Bird is fabulous!

  44. Lot says:

    Those funny birds you make! I’d like to try one myself, because I tend to make sweet animals all the time…

  45. Carla Dixon says:

    I won’t rest until I’ve made a cranky bird. I hope I win Carla’s new book.

  46. janice says:

    How cool your birds are and I am glad that thanks to Carla I have found your blog. Would love to win her book, but if I don’t I will just have to purchase it.

  47. buntyw says:

    Love your cranky birds! Great ideas! Thank you!

  48. Jan Reyes says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Hi DAR!!!! Ha ha ha!

  49. kunklepark says:

    birds after my own hearat. LOVE THEM!!

  50. Marcia says:

    I love your birds! I would love a chance to win the book!

  51. Your tutorial was great. I can’t wait to try it! Thanks

  52. lynn says:

    The blob animals were my favorite lesson when I took Carlas “Imaginary Creatures” class. I really love your cranky birds Dar! I hope to make one this week. Also really like your paintings. Thanks for the tutorial!

  53. Thanks so much for sharing your cranky birds. Who doesn’t need to excise one once in a while. Very useful information.

  54. Vee says:

    I was just thinking about what I wanted to work on today – a cranky bird sounds fun to try!

    I love Carla and would love a chance to win this book.

    Thanks for sharing!

  55. Mary Walker says:

    Cranky birds are great thanks for sharing your step by step photos.

  56. sqwak,sqwak,,,flapping my wings…what fabulous cranky birds!! They had me smiling and laughing…how coooool is that!! Yes, this is definitely one time you gotta ask yourself ,,,do I feel lucky?….come on Dar,,,make my day!!!! pppöööööölease!!!

  57. Dotti C says:

    Carla turned me onto your cranky birds awhile back and I love them. They fit right in with the Art of Silliness and the Imaginary Creatures classes I took! Your birds have proved to be a great stress reliever!

  58. I love your cranky birds! I have Carla’s first book and am on a spending freeze right now, so I would love to win a copy.

  59. Francie Riley says:

    I am so glad to find your blog! I loved your lesson on cranky birds…what fun. I want to get one of your books, too.

    I sure would love to win carla’s new book, just like the rest of her fans. 🙂

    • Christie says:

      Carla’s book celebration has been so much fun – getting to see and know about artists like you! I love the Cranky Birds and was probably one in another life! Thanks for this opportunity – one in a gazillion – but someone has to win!!!

  60. Love those cranky birds. I like making blob animals since taking Carla’s silly class and my favorite animal blob is the bird. You take it a step further and that’s an inspiration to try some as a finished work of art! Sure I’d love to have the book but I won’t be a cry-baby or get all cranky if I don’t win……maybe not….but I can’t promise!

  61. Pingback: 10.1.12 « Cranky Birds

  62. lyle baxter says:

    I’m getting cranky after scrolling thru all those enthusiastic people! Carla got me drawing again and your birds made me laugh outloud! of course I’d like to win a book but I know its rigged and that makes me cranked out! thanks for being in her book so I could find your wonderful work!

  63. joanne says:

    love this and love carla and now i have a new artist to follow you — love cranky birds — hope i win i have been trying every day

  64. Man, your birds are crazy wonderful… I kind of like them. (LOVE) I would love to win Carla’s book! And I am going to paint a blob right now.

  65. Sharry says:

    I love your Cranky Birds! How fun. I’d also love a copy of Carla’s book.

  66. seema says:

    hi:) i came here through carla’s blog. i haha the bird really looks cranky or maybe it’s just reflecting my mood lol

  67. Lois M says:

    Love those birds! Your work is wonderful and I have to go find my watercolors! Thanks!

  68. Rani Macias says:

    Love Carla’s art! And those birds are awesome. I need to go blob some color on some paper… Thanks for sharing.

  69. Heidi says:

    Dar, I love your cranky bird tutorial ! I have been following your blog for quite awhile and always look forward to a new cranky bird. My favorite is still the cranky bird that says “really”. I would love to win Carla’s book as I follow her blog as well and have taken a few of her online classes. She has such a unique style and makes it look so easy 🙂 – Heidi

  70. lidija says:

    Love your personality’s birds they are fab. I need to try now and make a blob…Thanks for the tutorial.

  71. Carol Tamasiunas says:

    Thanks for sharing your cranky bird art. It was a delightful process not cranky at all!

  72. I can’t wait to try this tutorial and read this book! So fun!

  73. Victoria Simmons says:

    I subscribe to both of your blogs and LOVE them. I would also love to win the book. Thanks!

  74. I’ve been so cranky all week I topped my past record. I’m so glad to find this post, via Carla’s, and would LOVE to try one as soon as this week is over. (But do you have a remedy if I never draw/paint anything else ever again?)

  75. sandy lupton says:

    it is moanday and i also feel like a cranky bird.

  76. Sharie says:

    I’m taking Carla’s on-line class 101 Faces and have done several of her tutorials. Planning to take another class once I complete faces. I’m learning to lighten up and play. Stop the self-editing and let it happen. Anyway, would love to win a copy of Carla’s book, but probably won’t. Who cares!! Btw, sent you a cranky bird based on your tutorial.

  77. DianneT says:

    OK I’m in the hurry up and send the book. I haven’t got all day you know

  78. OMG, I love your birds! I feel like that every Monday. I also never win these drawings! So, I’ll try yet again and see if maybe, I’ll be a lucky bird. If not, I will find comfort in your Cranky Birds. (I think they are funnier than Angry Birds too!)

  79. Judy says:

    What characters those birds are. Thanks for sharing I can’t wait to try one of the blobs.

  80. Anna Pignatti says:

    I love feeling like a child watching something for the very first time , this happens now looking at your cranky birds and Carla works …..thank you so much and from now on always following your artist minds !
    ciao from Italy

  81. says:

    how have i missed hearing about your cranky birds? they are fabulous. i will definitely be visiting your blogs regularly from now on. i need to go make some blobs so i can carry them with me and work on them while waiting in medical offices and such. much more fun than reading old magazines.

  82. Susan Hartl says:

    This past summer, I have let myself get away from the “art of silliness”. I have taken a few of Carla’s classes, but I need to bring back the creativity. I would love to win her book and now you have me thinking about those Cranky Birds. Might be emailing you one.

  83. Carlene says:

    I don’t draw. At all. But I want to. And have been thinking about it a lot lately. This might be the place to start. I could really use the book to help me out. In the mean time, I’ll take that brand new sketch book I bought and make a blob 🙂

  84. Peggy Houser says:

    I love the Cranky Birds. They sure fit right into Carla’s book. I want to win one

  85. Thanks for your step by step. I make you a cranky bird. When will you actually get it? Who knows and “who cares!” By the way, I have cranky birds by you up on my bulletin board. I look at them and they always cure the crankies!

  86. I love your cranky birds. I would love to win a copy of Carlas book. I might win! I probably won’t so I am off to make my own cranky bird to go with my cranky self!

  87. I immediately fell in love with cranky bird. Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  88. Phyllis Stratman says:

    Super Deluxe Lucky days are what my bird brain thinks about all the time! Hope it happens some day SOON.

  89. Paula says:

    Love, love, love these cranky birds…and would also love to win a book!

  90. Dar Hosta says:

    YAY to all you CRANKY BIRDS!! Isn’t it fun to be cranky?! What a great day… Thanks to all who stopped by. Good luck with the contest… yeah, right.

  91. Pam B says:

    Could it be my super duper deluxe day? Love the birds here and this blog too which is new to me. And everything Carla!

  92. eSeN says:

    I love your Cranky Birds! Hilarious 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to win Carla’s new book! I have Drawing Lab which is great, with a lot of projects from which to pick and choose whatever your mood, so I anticipate Imaginary Animals will be just as good! 🙂

  93. Jennifer G says:

    Love the cranky birds! I’ve been working on Carla’s book Drawing Lab, and it’s a lot of fun. Imaginary Animals looks just as awesome!

  94. Jennifer says:

    Your crazy cranky birds are awesome. Thank you for sharing them. They’re great characters.

  95. James says:

    Been looking at both your artworks and getting depressed. Such good artists! Moving to a new teaching job soon, teaching art at a new school. Will be trying to emulate your work with the kids but that maybe impossible without winning the book! Most replies are from women too. When do us arty farty guys get a break. Better change it to Cranky Broads! Or Cranky Beefcake? Oh, well, life continues… :]

    • Dar Hosta says:

      So, here’s a personal reply for the arty-farty GUY!! First of all, we’re so glad you weighed in!! I’ll tell you a secret… all creative women wish there were more men in these workshops and classes. A rarity? You bet. So you’ll get the attention. Second, stop getting depressed!! Both Carla and I never went to art school… all you have to do is love what you do and be willing to be silly and get it wrong, mixed up and welcome the unexpected and the surprising. So, buck up there, mister… Third, do go to Carla’s blog because she has lots of freebies there. And what about this post? Free lesson, DUH!! Good luck at the new school. Being an art teacher is the best job.

  96. Risa Profana says:

    I love your birds Dar. Thank you for sharing the tutorial.

  97. Natalie says:

    We would love to win this!!

  98. Gaby says:

    Love your birds – how wonderful to have discovered your work!

  99. Euphemia Roecker says:

    love Carla’s art and your birds with their attitudes! Will try to do one!

  100. leone says:

    HA!HA!HA! Thanks for a good laugh, I love this post and your cranky birds. I would love to win this book. I have Carla’s other book and really enjoy it. I hope I win this one, I am over my limit for books this month so I will have to wait ’til after the fifteenth to order any more books and I want this one now!!

  101. Melisa says:

    I’ve always loved your cranky birds! I just wanted to say that, even if there is no chance whatsoever that I’ll win. 😉

  102. Meredith in NC says:

    Love the cranky birds ! I can relate on a rainy Monday morning when the dog peed on the carpet and the cat threw up on the kitchen counter.,

    But life is good. Would love to win the book.

  103. I Love your cranky birds!! After seeing the few on this blog, and the ones Carla posted… I had to see more. So I visited your Cranky birds blog. Your illustrations are wonderful! Made my day.

  104. Susan Colket says:

    My favorite cranky bird is the May F’ You bird.
    The book launch celebrations sound like fun. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  105. Kristin says:

    Too funny! I can’t wait to try a cranky bird!

  106. diysara says:

    I am loving the cranky birds! Thank you for the chance on this great book too 🙂

  107. Ali says:

    I’ve just discovered your blog and love it! Now a chance to win Carla’s new book….what more could a girl ask for!

  108. Eleanor says:

    I would love to win Carla’s book. I already own Drawing Lab and have signed up for one of her online classes. Cranky Birds are so darn cute. I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win.

  109. Julie says:

    Would love to win. I feel like that cranky bird…I never win anything.

  110. Cheryl says:

    Great tutorial, and it seems like it might be theraputic some days.

  111. Nicole Maki says:

    I absolutely cannot wait to try your tutorial in the morning with my boys. Thank you!!!

  112. Antoinette says:

    I would love to win this book, but 114 responces – good luck to me, huh?
    Love these birds, and I’m the ultimate crank monster! What a great Monday post! I’m gonna try me a bird, but too tired to pull out my paints so . . . I’ll just use my tea bag.
    (My time is up, I’ve got to go I know, but I just have to tell you one last thing. I used to follow your Monday posts before I moved to Oklahoma, but then, I lost you when I switched emails. Anyway, first time around I found you through one of Carla’s posts and now again! And how perfect because this fall for me is about change (Fall is like a new year for me) and getting myself arting again, and your 52 Monday’s this year are about Change! “One small step . . .” )

  113. Philip S says:

    Love those birds! You (and Carla) have inspired me to try some of my own!

  114. Kirsteen Roy says:

    Totally inspired, I shall go home tonight and make a cranky bird – I already have Carla’s other book but this one’s on my must-have list as well.

  115. Cec says:

    Crank-a-bird ! – well if you are “down under”, you would be cranky too – Monday comes pretty late. The birds are great – will have a play and see if I can start a series of “oh no – its Monday Crank-a-bird” – a cranky emu comes too mind – should be a great start to the week! Cheers. Cec 🙂

  116. fanny says:

    Cranky Birdsday to you !
    Love all your birds …

  117. Jan Harris says:

    Would love to win a copy of the book! Love your cranky birds!

  118. One time I won a 50-50 raffle when I had flown to Philadelphia from Arizona for a convention. It more than paid me back for my trip. I didn’t even stay for the festivities of picking winners of baskets and such as a group of us were staying at a friend’s house so we went there to get to know each other a bit better. I loved the surprise of winning. Just saying… ;~D
    p.s. your birds are hysterical and genius. what an inspiration double for the day!!

  119. Kim says:

    Carla IS awesome. And so is her Drawing Lab book. But you, my Dar, are the Queen of Crank! I can say that knowing that I am not going to win this book but that’s OK because it’s on my Christmas list. And yes, I have already started my shopping.

  120. Rosie Grey says:

    Thanks so much for that tutorial and also for the opportunity to win that wonderful book! I’m so happy I discovered you – your birds are adorable!!

  121. Tammie says:

    such a fun post and awesome lesson
    i might have to give it a try.
    thank you for sharing your artful way with us and congratulations for being in what looks like an awesome book!

  122. nadine ramey says:

    I love your cranky birds what a great idea..This will have to be my project for the week. I would like to win the book too lol Nadine

  123. tlruminski says:

    Very, very cool…I may have to pull out my sketch pad and play around a little!

  124. I love your funny birds so much I had to do your tutorial! I’m sending you a copy by email. He’s pretty cool, if I do say so myself. ps: Hope I win the book!

  125. Oh my god, i love your cranky birds! I am going to try one soon!!

  126. Beth says:

    Thanks for the chance to win Carla’s new book! I have her first book and have taken 2 of her classes so far. And thanks so much for the Cranky Birds tutorial! Can’t wait to try one.

  127. Susan says:

    Well this is the coolest thing ever and I’m going to make a cranky bird tomorrow. One way or another I’m going to get me a book because I draw crazy imaginary curious creatures having wild and sometimes tame parties in imaginary landscapes. So I am living this.

  128. Julia says:

    Love your cranky bird. Very neat.

  129. Karen W says:

    I’ve been following Carla’s blog for a long time and would love to win her book. I’m so glad she has introduced us to your Cranky Birds, and I am going to have to try to create one of those for your challenge.

  130. joan craft says:

    luv those cranky birds , really cheered me up today 🙂
    joan in italy

  131. sue says:

    love your swanky, cranky birds!!

  132. Kim Henkel says:

    Great post! love the tutorial! and although I would love to win the book, I already won something by coming here… now off to make a cranky bird!

  133. Some people say I am a cranky old bird. And they just might be right. I am going off now to blob a bit. Sounds like something I do anyway.

  134. Ronda says:

    Ha! What a fabulously funny blog. I love it! I also love the cranky birds and want to draw some imaginary animals. Thanks for the inspiration!

  135. suzanne says:

    Hi Dar,
    I love your cranky birds!! I think I know a few too!!HA..

  136. donna joy says:

    love the bird-may have to try this myself!

  137. What an inspiration! So great to find your blog through this… L O V E your cranky birds!!! Would seriously love to win a copy of Carla’s new book – thanks!

  138. Susan Medyn says:

    I thought I replied saying this is such a cool blog and am into this cranky bird plan. Off to do one. Love your birds. And man I want the book.

  139. Myriam says:

    I have to try a cranky bird!

  140. Pingback: Cranky Birds | Watercolors by Susan Medyn

  141. Tisha Smith says:

    I’m late, as usual. Probably wouldn’t have won the book anyways – these blogs are such a waste of time.
    (now a comment from me – your birds make me smile!)

  142. Kimberly Gero says:

    Love you Cranky Birds! Looking forward to trying the tutorial myself. Thanks for the chance at winning Carla’s book.

  143. Carol says:

    I hope it’s my super deluxe lucky day! Love the cranky birds!

  144. Must. Have. Book. Carla has opened my creative world to such new fun horizons! I’m no longer uptight! I’m having a blast! Aaaand your birds are a hoot. Gonna make my very own.

  145. Pingback: Wrap-Up «

  146. Pingback: Monday #7: Flipping WordPress The Bird!! « Cranky Birds

  147. Pingback: Monday #7: Flipping You The Bird | Dar's 52 Mondays Blog

  148. Pingback: Cranky Birds my way… - Dogs | Dogs

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